The William Inglis Hotel - Luxury hotel - No Excuses: The Best Fitness Routines While Staying at a Hotel.

No Excuses: The Best Fitness Routines While Staying at a Hotel.

Being away from home and regular routines, whether for business or pleasure, doesn’t mean losing out on fitness goals. There are many great guides online of how to incorporate exercise with what you have to hand during a hotel stay – even if the hotel doesn’t have a gym.

Many are centred around familiar elements from circuit training, such as squats, push-ups, jumping jacks, tricep dips and lunges. Mixing these up into a repeatable routine that works for you is an easy to manage 20-minute workout that doesn’t need any special equipment and can be slotted into your day.

Don’t forget to warm up with a few gentle rounds and stretches.

Michelle Bridge’s 12WBT program suggests many tips to avoid slacking off while away. Scheduling workouts gives you a routine to stick to. It also recommends making sure you pack your workout gear, so there are no excuses, and bringing resistance bands or a skipping rope can help along those in-room workouts.

Another tip from the program is to ask around to find out where there might a great park or oval that would make an excellent running track – which also gives the opportunity to explore the local area and discover new places.


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