Typically November and March are the most popular months to get married, with June and July each scoring only about 5 per cent of weddings annually.
But there are many reasons to consider a Winter wedding, both for practical purposes and for creating some really special and unique memories.
Firstly, holding a wedding in the off-peak season carries a heap of advantages. There’s greater availability of venues and suppliers, and costs may be cheaper too. And because suppliers are less busy, they may have more time for communicating and working with wedding planners to really zone in on the perfect day.
A winter wedding also means there may be less scheduling conflicts with other friends’ weddings, or summer holidays. And the weather is less unpredictable – ceremonies won’t be at the mercy of extreme heat or sudden storms.
Winter scenery lends itself to memorable images of beautiful gardens and open fireplaces. Bridal parties can embrace a richer colour palette, and brides in particular can take on old-school glamour with elements like stole, capes and gloves.
Guests can also cosy up with warm mulled wine, and a menu that includes small serves of comfort food.
Feeling toasty yet? Winter’s wonders guarantee a number of heart-warming factors that will contribute to a magical day.
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