Event Planning: Getting It Right
Bringing together a successful, memorable and commercially powerful event is a potentially daunting task at the beginning. There are many factors involved that need careful nurturing and navigation. But breaking down all the tasks into manageable categories ensures the smooth-running of planning and execution – and will produce an event that sparkles.
Establish from the start a clear, concrete outline of the purpose of the event. Who is it aimed at and what is it designed to achieve? Pinpointing the desired audience and end result from the very beginning will steer any decision-making along the way.
Now that the event has gone off without a hitch, it’s essential to do a clear assessment of its successes. Do a debrief with the event team. Give feedback to the venue. Most importantly, it’s vital to hear what the attendees thought. Make it easy for them to give feedback online or in person – these hard-won positive comments are the best advert of all for future events.
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